Hip pain is a lot more common than you think. Around 10% of the population suffer from hip pain, with the numbers increasing as they get older.

Uncontrolled hip pain can affect your life significantly, making it challenging to do everyday activities.

Degenerative conditions, complex injuries, or fractures can cause damage to the bones, tissues, and ligaments in your hip joint, leading to restricted movement and pain.

The good news is you no longer have to live with hip pain; with advancements in medical science, newer treatment options are available, surgical and non-surgical.

Dr. Sandeep Singh, one of the best orthopedic doctor in Bhubaneswar, say in case of surgical intervention, hip reconstruction or hip replacement can help alleviate pain and allow you to move freely.

Dr. Sandeep Singh is the HOD of Sports Injury and Rehabilitation at Care Super Specialty Hospital, Bhubaneswar. In his career spanning more than a decade, he has successfully performed a high volume of hip replacement and reconstruction surgeries.

However, many people think both these surgeries are the same. Well, that’s not true.

Read on to understand the difference between hip reconstruction and hip replacement.

Which conditions are treated by hip reconstruction and replacement surgery?

  • Fractures
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Arthritis
  • Perthes
  • Osteonecrosis 
  • Femoroacetabular impingement

Which hip disorder or injury symptoms may necessitate reconstruction or replacement surgery?

  • Pain that is not resolved even with medications or non-surgical treatments.
  • Pain that interferes with your daily routine and sleep. It makes it difficult to move up and down the stairs or rise from a sitting position.
  • There is bruising or swelling in your hip, indicating a fracture.
  • Your condition gets worse with time.
hip disorder
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you can consult Dr. Sandeep Singh, one of the best ortho doctor in Bhubaneswar. He keeps himself abreast with the latest advancements in hip replacement techniques and technology to offer his patients the benefit of the same.


Orthopedic surgeons closely evaluate each case to determine the appropriate treatment. They will ask the patients their medical history and perform a physical examination to check the mobility and strength of the hip.

They may ask the patients to undergo imaging tests such as x-rays and MRIs to see the extent of damage and deformity. According to the results, they will recommend the best line of treatment.

Hip reconstruction surgery

Hip reconstruction surgery involves rebuilding your damaged hip joint while preserving as much of your natural tissues and bones. It is usually recommended for younger patients for whom hip replacement is not suitable.

Arthroscopy, a minimally invasive technique, is nowadays used for hip reconstruction that helps improve hip functions without replacing it.

Dr. Sandeep Singh is a highly-qualified orthopedic doctor in Bhubaneswar specializing in reconstructive surgeries. He is a Senior Fellow in Robotic Arthroplasty, London, and a Fellow in Primary and Revision Joint Replacement, London.

Hip reconstruction

Some common reconstructive techniques are:


In this procedure, the surgeon resurfaces the femur bone head and the hip socket with metal to minimize pain and increase mobility.

Periacetabular osteotomy:

Here, the surgeon reshapes and fixes the hip bone in a new position in order to evenly distribute the weight.

Open or closed reduction: 

This surgery is done to treat fractures. It holds the fractured bone pieces together with screws and pins. Open reduction is made through a small incision, whereas no incision is needed for closed reduction. 

Bone grafting:

Surgeons use this procedure in case of complex fractures which they cannot repair with open or closed reduction. The damaged bone is replaced with a bone from the other part of the body.

Hip reconstruction surgery

Hip replacement, also known as hip arthroplasty, treats damaged joints that cannot be repaired or reconstructed. The orthopedic surgeon uses a prosthesis to partially or totally replace the damaged hip joint during this procedure. The artificial hip joint, made of metal, ceramic, or plastic, helps improve body functions.

Hip replacement

Different techniques for hip replacement are:

Posterior approach: 

This is the most used technique where the surgeon makes the incision near the buttocks, outside the hip, and reaches the joint through some incisions in the muscles. 

Lateral approach: 

It is the same as the posterior approach. The only difference is the incision placement outside your hip but nearer to the front of the body, not the buttocks.

Direct anterior approach:

 During this procedure, you will lie on your back, and the surgeon will make a cut on your front thigh and access the hip joint by working around your muscles instead of cutting them.

To ascertain whether hip reconstruction or hip replacement is the right treatment option, you can visit Dr. Sandeep Singh, one of the best orthopedist in Bhubaneswar. He has an excellent reputation for treating patients of all ages. He will answer all your queries and recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.