Everybody has got joint pain at one time or another. It can be a simple discomfort that can be managed by rest, ice, or medication. However, more often than not, joint pain is caused by a problem within the joint itself. This problem lies within the muscles, nerves, and bones in your joints. If any one of these three is damaged or weakened then your symptoms will only get worse.


Joint pain is a very common problem in people aged 55 and over. The most common underlying cause of joint pain in this group is low back pain. Research suggests that about 35% of older adults will develop some form of osteoarthritis throughout their lives. Osteoarthritis can affect the muscles, joints, and connective tissues in your legs, hips, back, arms, and brain. Sometimes, joint pain is the result of an illness or injury. Arthritis is also a common cause of joint pain. However, it can also be due to other conditions or factors.

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Joint Pain Causes –

Problems associated with arthritis and related ailments are often misunderstood or underdiagnosed. To get the best treatment, it is important to know the cause of your pain. Often, those closest to you will assume that the problem is an anxiety or depression issue — when in fact it could simply be related to mobility or posture. If you feel like you or someone close to you is suffering from joint pains – whether it be a friend, family member, localized, or coworker – it’s worth taking a moment to explore possible causes.

Joint discomfort is very prevalent, especially as people get older. In one nationwide study, nearly one-third of adults said they had had joint discomfort in the previous 30 days. The most prevalent complaint was knee pain, which was followed by shoulder and hip pain. Joint pain, on the other hand, can strike anywhere on your body, from your ankles and feet to your shoulders and hands.

Bursitis –

Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that are located around your joints. They form a protective barrier at the points where tendons, skin, and muscular tissues touch bones. They give lubricant to the joint to help reduce friction during movement. Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae in your joints. Bursae that are inflamed produce pain and discomfort in the affected area. They also restrict the range of motion for your joints.

  • Lupus – Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation all over the body. It is, however, mostly a localized illness, thus it isn’t necessarily systemic.
  • Gout – A buildup of uric acid causes gout, which is a broad name for several disorders. Your feet are generally affected by this buildup. If you have gout, you’ll notice swelling and pain in your foot’s joints, especially your big toe. Gout episodes, which cause sudden and extreme pain, can make your foot feel like it’s on fire.
  • certain infectious diseases, such as mumps, influenza, and hepatitis
  • an injury
  • tendinitis, or inflammation of the tendon
  • an infection of the bone or joint
  • overuse of a joint
  • cancer
  • fibromyalgia
  • osteoporosis
  • sarcoidosis
  • rickets

Symptoms of Joint Pain –

Everybody has got joint pain at one time or another. It can be a simple discomfort that can be managed by rest, ice, or medication. However, more often than not, joint pain is caused by a problem within the joint itself. This problem lies within the muscles, nerves, and bones in your joints. If any one of these three is damaged or weakened then your symptoms will only get worse.

Moderate symptoms you can experience on joint pains – 

  • Swelling, redness, tenderness, or warmth to the touch surrounding the joint
  • The joint pain lasts for three days or longer.
  • You have a fever but no other flu symptoms.

Extreme symptoms where you can consider hospitalizing –

  • You’ve sustained a significant injury.
  • The swelling of the joint happens all of a sudden.
  • The joint is fully immovable at this point.
  • Experiencing a severe joint pain

Treatment of Joint pains –

Many causes of joint pain are harmless and go away on their own or with the help of medications to help relieve the pain until it goes away. Other causes of joint pain may necessitate seeking medical assistance, such as from a doctor or a physiotherapist.

Some of the home remedies which you can try if you are experiencing joint pain –

  • To reduce discomfort, edema, and inflammation, apply topical pain medications or take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Maintain a healthy level of physical activity by following a fitness program that emphasizes moderate exercise.
  • If your pain isn’t caused by arthritis, try a nonprescription anti-inflammatory medication, a massage, a warm bath, stretching frequently, and getting enough sleep.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight by exercising regularly. The stress on the joints will be reduced as a result.
  • To keep a proper range of motion in your joints, stretch before exercising.

Medical Treatment –

The type of treatment you receive will be determined by the reason for your discomfort. Your doctor may need to pull out collected fluid in the joint area to rule out infection, gout, or other causes of joint discomfort. They may also prescribe joint replacement surgery.

Other nonsurgical therapy options include making lifestyle changes or using drugs that may help your RA go into remission. Your doctor will first address inflammation in the case of RA. Once your RA has gone into remission, your medical care will focus on maintaining a close eye on your condition to prevent flare-ups.